The idea is to be able to define a test class, like a normal test and then be able to use this test class from inside real test class.
Let's assume you like to provide a generic framework to test the fibonacci suite. Using the test framework feature, it is done in the following way :
import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.function.BiFunction; import; import ch.powerunit.Categories; import ch.powerunit.Parameter; import ch.powerunit.Parameters; import ch.powerunit.Test; import ch.powerunit.TestDelegator; import ch.powerunit.TestSuite; @TestDelegator public class FiboUsingFilteringTester implements TestSuite { @Parameters() public static Stream<Object[]> getDatas(FiboTestInterface param) { return Arrays .stream(new Object[][] { { 0, 0, null }, { 1, 1, null }, { 2, 1, null }, { 3, 2, null }, { 4, 3, null }, { 10, 55, null }, { -1, -1, IllegalArgumentException.class } }) .map(TestSuite.DSL .<BiFunction<String, Object[], Boolean>> addFieldToEachEntry(FiboUsingFilteringTester::validateTestMethod)); } private static boolean validateTestMethod(String name, Object parameters[]) { if (parameters[2] == null) { return "testFib".equals(name); } return "testFibException".equals(name); } @Parameter(0) public int x; @Parameter(1) public int y; @Parameter(2) public Class<?> expectedException; @Parameter(value = 3, filter = true) public BiFunction<String, Object[], Boolean> filter; @Test(name = "validate the fib suite : %1$s->%2$s") public void testFib() { assertThatFunction(Fibo::fibo, x).is(y); } @Test(name = "Validate exception is %3$s") public void testFibException() { assertWhen((p) -> Fibo.fibo(p), x).throwException( instanceOf(expectedException)); } }
This is a normal test class, but there is two main difference :
import ch.powerunit.TestInterface; @TestInterface(FiboUsingFilteringTester.class) public class FiboTestInterface { }
This is the class that will be used from the real test. The annotation @TestInterface is use to reference the class that will execute the test.
import java.util.Arrays; import; import ch.powerunit.Categories; import ch.powerunit.Parameter; import ch.powerunit.Parameters; import ch.powerunit.Test; import ch.powerunit.TestDelegate; import ch.powerunit.TestSuite; @Categories({ "example", "demo" }) public class FiboTest implements TestSuite { @TestDelegate public final FiboTestInterface delegate = new FiboTestInterface(); }
The test interface class is available as a field annotated with @TestDelegate. It can also be a Supplier, which provide a way to provide the test interface with parameterized value.